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워드프레스 썸네일 재생성 및 생성 이미지 사이즈 조절 플러그인 Image Regenerate & Select Crop / regenerate-thumbnails.3.1.3

Image Regenerate & Select Crop

워드프레스의 경우에는 이미지를 업로드하면 반응형 웹을 기반으로 이미지가 정해진 사이즈대로 새롭게 생성됩니다. 이렇게 원본 이미지에서 여러 사이즈의 이미지로 분할이 되는데요. 테마에 따라 많은 이미지가 생성이 될 수 있으므로, 이를 개별적으로 설정해 줄 때 플러그인을 통해서 쉽게 설정이 가능합니다.


The plugin allows to manage advanced settings for images, override the native medium and large crop option, register new custom image sizes. The plugin appends two custom buttons that allows you to regenerate and crop the images, provides details about the image sizes registered in the application and the status of each image sizes for images. The plugin also appends a sub-menu to “Settings” that allows you to configure the plugin for global or particular post type attached images and to enable the developer mode for debug if necessary. The most recent details of the plugin features are available at https://iuliacazan.ro/image-regenerate-select-crop/.

The “Details/Options” button will open a lightbox where you can see all the image sizes registered in the application and details about the status of each image sizes for that image. If one of the image sizes has not been found, you will see more details about this and, if possible, the option to manually generate this (for example the image size width and height are compatible with the original image). For the image sizes that are of “crop” type, you will be able to re-crop in one click the image using a specific portion of the original image: left/top, center/top, right/top, left/center, center/center, right/center, left/bottom, center/bottom, right/bottom. The preview of the result is shown right away, so you can re-crop if necessary.

The “Regenerate” button allows you to regenerate in one click all the image sizes for that specific image. This is really useful when during development you registered various image sizes and the already uploaded images are “left behind”.

The plugin does not require any additional code, it hooks in the admin_post_thumbnail_html and edit_form_top filter and appends two custom buttons that will be shown in “Edit Media” page and in the “Edit Post” and “Edit Page” where there is a featured image. This works also for custom post types. Also, it can be used in different resolutions and responsive layout.

공식 플러그인 배포 사이트




반대로 이미지 사이즈와는 별도로 이미지 썸네일만 새롭게 재생성해야할 때, 아래의 플러그인만 사용해도 좋습니다.


Regenerate Thumbnails allows you to regenerate all thumbnail sizes for one or more images that have been uploaded to your Media Library.

This is useful for situations such as:

  • A new thumbnail size has been added and you want past uploads to have a thumbnail in that size.
  • You’ve changed the dimensions of an existing thumbnail size, for example via Settings → Media.
  • You’ve switched to a new WordPress theme that uses featured images of a different size.

It also offers the ability to delete old, unused thumbnails in order to free up server space.


공식 플러그인 배포 사이트



둘다 오류가 없고 좋은 플러그인이니, 공식 사이트에서 필요한 플러그인을 다운받아 설치 후 사용하시면 좋을 것 입니다.